No surprises here then – stunning performances by all concerned!
Ben Tyzack and Guy Tortora are amazing guitarists, making it all look so easy and the voices of everyone blended to perfection in the opening number “Travelling Man”.
Their whole setup is meticulously managed to give the ultimate in sound quality to showcase their faultless playing.
The first session mainly featured Guy Tortora with songs like “Goin’ to Brownsville” and “Momma’s tired” and the calmly spiritual “Wayfaring Stranger”. Towards the end of this session Guy was joined by the Spikedrivers in “E-Z money in hard times”, which they announced was as political as they get as it was about “bankers and politicians changing all the rules about what’s theirs and mine”. We then moved on to classic country blues with “Prodigal Son”, often known as “Poor Boy Blues”, ending this session with their ever popular standard “Laying Down Lincolns”, a Mississippi delta blues which showcases fantastic slide guitar.
The second session began with, perhaps my favourite, the real easy, hot and steamy, “Blue Trash” – brilliant.
Constance then solo’d to “Gypsy “Wind”, her voice showed itself to be rich with jazz overtones. They then featured Constance’s washboard with “My Rooster Stopped Crowing”, which Maurice said came about when he tried to write a rock song; what came out was something different from what he had imagined!
“Train Done Gone”, classic blues, through Soul Searching Blues” to the slow pounding beat of “Lil’ Red Rooster” in which Ben’s guitar really speaks to you.
The final encore was “Red Hot” and I think everyone was entranced by such musical perfection that no-one wanted it to end – but unfortunately it had to be, and we all had to struggle home in the deep snow which greeted us outside!
Until the next time.