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Swing Commanders

Friday 20 September 2019

8:00 pm ‐ 10:30 pm



Lots of space to dance at the
Matlock Town Football Club

Causeway Lane, Matlock, DE4 3AR

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Listen To Swing Commanders

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Tel: 01246 862681 or 01246 860022

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Come dance or just watch the Swing Commanders  a stunningly vibrant and versatile group that performs an exciting mix of 1940s classics, boogie-woogie, western swing, 50’s jump jazz and more!


Every member of the Swing Commanders sings and plays at least one instrument, sometimes three: Yet what makes them stand out even above their incredible music ability and performing skills is their joie-de-vivre.


The Band have appeared, often headlining, at most of the UK’s top Vintage and Country Music festivals. Loved by fans of Jazz, Country, Swing and Blues, The Swing Commanders fill dancehalls with Lindy Hoppers, Modern Jivers, Line Dancers, and Social Dancers, up and down the UK, and as far as Europe and the US.


Between them, The Swing Commanders have a wealth of musical experience, from bar room to classical concert hall, as well as an understanding of dance and theatre. This results in a stage show that is technically precise and wildly entertaining. 


People who experience the band for the first time are amazed at the energetic showmanship, the instrument swapping, the tight arrangements, and vocal blend. This isn’t a nostalgia trip or Rat Pack karaoke. It is fine songs played joyfully and brilliantly.

The Swing Commanders really deserve to be on the world stage for all to see and when they are, I, for one, will say I have been extremely privileged to experience a live Swing Commanders performance!"


(Lights Country Music Club)

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